Friday, March 30, 2012

What One Little Candle Can Do

"It seems a natural thing to do in loss and grief, to light even a single candle. I had done so many times throughout the year. A miraculous glow spreads around that flame. It may shine in a chapel, where people leave their silent prayers burning at the feet of the saint, or simply on a windowsill at home. This must be an old, old desire in us--a necessity in us--to see the surprising power in one small flame of light to dispel the dark."

Barbara Helen Berger from AN OFFERING OF FLAMES: Lighting a candle, we light the world.

I experienced such a similar awareness for weeks leading up to the US Occupation of Iraq. Putting just One Candle in my window each night -- connecting with thousands if not millions such little solitary lights around the world -- reminded me of something stronger with which to heal and protect -- something so different in quality and SOURCE than the violence my nation was choosing instead...

Blogger here at One Heart for Peace,


I found the photos above here


CN said...

I haven't been able to find the source of the quote used above (is it a poem?) If anyone else has found the referenced piece called "An Offering of Flames" do let me know...What an evocative title!

Yet I did find bio/booklists of this prolific and lovely artist/author

CN said...

How can we apply our little candle to the many rights abuses worldwide?

BE sure to look at the following heroines and heroes here:

The International Committee of the Red Cross Red Crescent

The Republic of Rumi

Our Scriptures on Forgiveness

The Persian Poets

Alcoholics Anonomous & the !2
Steps of AA for almost everything

The Poet Mary Oliver

The Book: Tying Rocks to Clouds

CN said...

Here's another list #2

World Without Hate dot org
(Rais Bhuiyan)

Dr. Rick Halperin SMU Embrey Human Rights Dept.

Krista Tippett "On Being"

Joanna Macey (see her Rilke Book of Hours)

Desmond Tutu on Forgiveness

(More coming soon...)