Wednesday, April 15, 2009

GTMO Captive Calls TV Station, Claims Abuse


1 comment:

CN said...

Current News - some relate to above & posts below - find all these at

4/15, Robert Mackey, New York Times News Blog, Guantánamo Detainee Phones Al Jazeera From Prison

4/15, Byron Acohido, USA Today, Obama to receive cybersecurity review this week

4/15, Grant Gross, PC World, CDT: Privacy, Transparency Needed in Cybersecurity Policy

4/15, Evan Perez and Ssobhan Gorman, Wall Street Journal, Obama Tilts to CIA on Memos

4/15, Dan Froomkin, Washington Post, Obama's Power Grab

4/15, The Nation, Do Detainees Have Rights?

4/15, Willam Fisher, AlterNet, If the U.S. is Closing Gitmo, Why is the Pentagon Recruiting New Lawyers to Defend its Detentions?

4/14, Suraj Sazawal, OMB Watch, ACLU Report Calls for Oversight, Overhaul of Patriot Act