Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What TASSC Wants

Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition

Special Edition August 26, 2009

In initiating a preliminary and limited investigation into CIA interrogation practices and the agents who conducted them, the Department of Justice has finally acknowledged acts committed during the Bush administration are accountable to the law. While TASSC recognizes this small step toward justice, we still direct this question to Attorney General Holder, "What about those who gave the orders?"

Given the already ample evidence, evidence that seems to increase nearly daily, those officials at the highest level of the Bush administration may very well have violated U.S. law by ordering torture, TASSC continues to insist that a special counsel investigator must be appointed to investigate such officials and, if the evidence warrants, prosecute them as well.

As TASSC's accountability project continues to work toward this end, we hope you will join us in this effort. At this time, members of congress have returned to their home states and districts. May we ask that you try to arrange a meeting with them or if this is not possible, attend one of their public gatherings so that you may let them know that accountability includes not just those at the lower levels of government but those at the very top as well? Most of those who represent us will tell you that they stand for law and order. The question for them now is: "law and order for whom." Does the law apply to us all or are those who have held great power free to violate the law, accountable to no one but themselves.

We will not rest until those who gave the orders to torture are held accountable for their actions.

Please visit our website for more information.


Demissie Abebe
Executive Director

Harold Nelson
Advocacy Director


CN said...

Go to Center for Constitutional Rights CCRJustice in order to see the campaign to collect torture cards (I don't usually like these sorts of actions but this looks quite educational and attention-getting for some occasions) Also go to After Downing Street dot org to HELP WRITE Bush Torture Indictment on blogosphere.

CN said...

Huffington Post article with over 600 Comments:
McCain Whacks Cheney: Torture Violated Law And Helped The Terrorists (VIDEO)

They also included a personal note:
"...every once in awhile McCain is almost a reasonable man."