With new disclosures that the Administration tried to "cook the books at the CIA" by creating a phony, forged link between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, "We cannot step back and let this President escape accountability."
If you haven't yet, please sign the petition to impeach at kucinich dot us easy to remember, to tell folk far and wide and to send out continueally until September...educating folk all the while about the lies and secrets piled on lies and secrets...
Also sign the petition at Bill of Rights Defense Committee...watch the NEWS updates (scroll down or click left or bookmark- bordc dot org slash news) there often to see our Constitution erode day by day--better yet if there's any hope for your town, get on board and become a Patriot Act free town and educate your community on the Bill of Rights we all hold dear...get on their free email list for Alerts...
You will be ever so glad you did...
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