Spiritual Leaders Who Have Signed on for Change...
Deepak Chopra
Jack Kornfield
Roshi Joan Halifax
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Stephan Rechtschaffen
Sister Jenna
Lama Drolma Palden
Dean Ornish MD
Reggie Ray
Krishna Das
Sylvia Boorstein
Jean Houston
Pema Chödrön
Marianne Williamson
Barbara De Angelis
Alex & Allyson Grey
Ed & Deb Shapiro
Oscar & Cindy Miro-Quesada
Swami Beyondananda
Peter Fenner
Robert Thurman
Jai Uttal
H.H. Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi
Lama Surya Das
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Jack Canfield
Julia Butterfly Hill
Gay & Katie Hendricks
Pir Elias Amidon
Richard Moss
Eli Jaxson-Bear
Corinne McLaughlin
Gordon Davidson
Reb Zalman Shachter-Shalomi
Sharon Salzberg
Joan Borysenko
Judith Ansara & Robert Gass
...and more every day!
As spiritual leaders signing this letter we are stepping forward to say: “We can make a difference.” As our spiritual practice empties, opens and strengthens us, we are naturally moved to engage in the world with compassion, equanimity, and the dedication to live our values.
We know many of you are already both concerned and involved in this year’s Presidential election. Yet, in the past weeks, many of us have heard friends in the spiritual community expressing ambivalence about voting. When asked why they wouldn't vote we heard things like: “It doesn’t make any difference”; “I’m more interested in spiritual practice than politics”.
Humanity is at a crossroads. We can no-longer afford to sit on the sidelines. We are asking you to get engaged.
The 2000 presidential election was decided by just 500 votes and this November appears to be just as close. Every vote matters. Your vote and the votes in your community could make the difference.
Please make a heart-felt inquiry and look at the candidates. Ask yourself who best reflects the values you want to live by – those of spirituality in action.
* Who do you believe will lead this country and the world in the direction you would like to see it move?
* Which candidate will foster security through international cooperation rather than wars of aggression?
* Which candidate will move policy most quickly toward a sustainable habitable planet for future generations?
* Which candidate will most support our commitment to human rights and equal opportunity for all people?
...and then Vote. Let your voice be heard.
Together there is nothing we cannot do.
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