mind-boggling graphic on family site paints clearly the harshness of Aafia's sentencing
From Dr. Aafia's brother in an Audio "recap" of the "facts and fiction" of the trial who closed his talk with the following:
"...we have to challenge each conviction. If the stakes are raised, there has to be a response:
'It has to be legal
'It has to be intelligent
'It has to be honorable
'And it has to be done with a dignity ... - especially for Muslims - that is the true legacy of our faith."
(Of course these principles should be true of us all)
To hear his entire talk and a transcription of the same GO here
To the various extremist groups and reporters (including US FOX news who have chosen to highlight reports somewhat parallel to FOX own of choosing revenge) be sure to note the various occasions where Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, her family and her many supporters have called for ongoing work on behalf of Aafia's freedom yet no mention of violent revenge. Dr. Aafia specifically asked also for forgiveness at end of her sentencing.
I want to leave this here for the weekend at the top for the record and for updated eye witness and other reports CLICK on the official family site here
BERMAN CONDEMNS Dr. AAFIA TO EIGHTY SIX YEARS (last edit, Friday, 24 September 2010 00:52)
SEPTEMBER 23, 2010: New York
After reading a long and cold statement, Judge Richard M. Berman callously said to Dr. Aafia : "I wish you the best" as he pronounced a sentence of Eighty Six (86) Years in prison.
She would be eligible for release in the year 2094 at age 122 if she lives that long.
Dr. Aafia, who was calm throughout the proceedings, asked that NO REVENGE OR VIOLENCE BE DONE IN HER NAME and she specifically FORGAVE Judge Berman while disagreeing with the trial and the charges and allegations against her. She also once again stated that she did not want the current legal team. However, she did preserve her right to appeal by saying that she would appeal but through lawyers of HER choosing if the US system would allow her to find a lawyer and not impose one on her or have the Pakistani government impose lawyers.
At the end of the hearing, when asked by the judge if she wanted to voice any objections she simply stated that there were so many that "we would be here all day" and suggested that it would be a short list if he asked her about what she agreed with. With this she managed to bring smiles to all in the court including the security officers and US Marshalls on an otherwise very tense day.
Here is one eye witness account by a highly-respected follower of this case found on the family official site and check back for more. GO here
All this is hard to understand. World accepted suspicions, ambiguities is around here. Than why is it, not easy to understand not only for me also for Americans. Read the articles and comments about Dr. Aafia in today's New york Times.
Dear Malik,
I'm so glad to see you also are helping guide the comments under that NYTimes article.
I hope many others will do so soon.
Let's try to keep that thread open as it's the best coverage on Dr. Aafia the world-wide-read NYTimes has had as yet after all this time.
I missed this item earlier - there are plenty of URLS to related items as well by Gordan Duff and some comments:
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