Israeli warplanes bombard Gaza overnight Wednesday, 06 July 2011 06:30 Samar Mohaisen (Hits: 192)
Gaza Strip, (Pal Telegraph)- Israeli air forces bombarded yesterday night a smuggling tunnel in the north of Gaza Strip without causalities reported, according to Israeli radio.
The radio added that the tunnel was used by Palestinian fighters to smuggle weapons and terrorists to carry out military attacks against Israelis.
Palestinian medical sources confirmed that yesterday bombing heard in the east of Gaza city was a result of two local shells exploded in that area.
Israeli shelling caused a state of panic among civilians who were asleep on that time.
Yesterday, two Palestinians were killed and one injured as Israeli forces fired artillery shells at central Gaza Strip.

Israeli troops assault Burin village Wednesday, 06 July 2011 07:27 Samar Mohaisen Hits: 158
West Bank, (Pal Telegraph)-Israeli occupation forces invaded Wednesday Irraq Burin village in the southwest of Nablus, local sources said.
Witnesses told that over 15 military troops invaded the village and broke into several houses, arresting two Palestinian youths identified as Ahmed Faqih,16, Abdallah Qadoos,22..
It's noteworthy that Irraq Burin is exposed to Israeli frequent attacks and harassments as residents peacefully organize weekly rallies to protest Israeli ongoing construction of illegal settlements on the Palestinian territories.
Palestine Telegraph World News
Also go to Electronic Intifada
I looked up a MAJOR source of reporting I followed during the last deadly Israel agression and war on Gaza some time back:
Now find the same reportor (see beginning of post news) still on the job - posting latest news from Gaza and look for further reports to be ongoing including the latest aggression on Gaza (June 5-6th). This is the same reporter who, along with his father, reported the massacre and destruction of the peopple of Gaza as well as the untreatable effects of the deadly "white dust" which fell on so many of the people - including babies. This reporter and his father took photos of this and knew what it was before reported (or admitted for it's true effects) by UN. These brave souls of Gaza were way ahead of the Israeli gov and military who after so many other international reports had to finally admit to the same. (See the Goldstone Report)
Gaza Today dot blogspot dot com or GO here where you will find ongoing items on these crises to be more helpful and current than most others.
Also see other reporting and Op Ed on the current strikes to Gaza just below and the earlier:
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Jonathan Cook
5 July 2011
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