The Parents Circle Families Forum - Personal Stories
In the Name of Allah
Mohammad Elpaw
Mohammad Elpaw
Firas and Mohammad |
Firas |
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Mohammad and Firas |
Mohammad and Firas in Jordan ,not long before Firas was killed. |
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In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the
Most Compassionate
God made human beings unique by bestowing on them
intelligence and the power of thought and giving them life with all its beauty
so they can live positively and with hope. But we, human beings went against
God's will and created wars, which made life ugly.
I do not now how to start my words and how I, a
simple human being like everyone else, can describe my tribulations. I began to
sense life but without understanding what was going on. As a child I dreamt of a
happy and joyful childhood but sadly in my childhood I only saw children my age
being killed and mothers shouting, crying and saying, 'stop this killing and
deprivation.' I never understood why my nation is suffering. As a boy I met many
soldiers who fired at children every day. Why? I don't know! I always asked:
'Who are they? Why are they treating us like this? Are they human beings like
us?' And many more questions.
My story begins when I was 12 years old. One
morning I was on my way to school with my brother Firas who was a year younger
than me. Firas and I were never apart. On the way we heard the noise of gunshots
and I said to Firas: come lets get closer and we'll see what's going on. We drew
closer and saw children throwing stones and soldiers shooting in all directions
and suddenly I heard a shot very close to me and I immediately
When I opened my eyes I saw that I was in hospital
and around me stood my father, my mother and Firas. I asked Firas what happened
and what was I doing in hospital. He told me that I had been injured in the
stomach by two rubber bullets but that now I was fine. I kept asking: Why me?
How was I guilty? What had I done? But from that moment I understood the
significance of living in the shadow of the occupation and
After this event I tried to carry on with my life
normally. I finished high school and was accepted to Academic studies. Firas was
accepted to the University in Hebron where he studied Business Administration.
We had many dreams we hoped to realize. We strove for a better life like all
young people, and like everyone we aimed for a life better than the reality we
were living, a safer and freer life. Firas and I never ever parted and
everywhere we went, we went together. He was my brother, my friend, and my whole
When I completed my studies I started work in my
profession; printing and graphics. I found work in Jerusalem with an Israeli
employer. Till then I could not speak Hebrew but a year later I spoke freely and
met many Israeli friends with whom I had very interesting discussions on many
subjects, except politics, because that did not interest us. All we wanted was
just to live and nothing beyond that. I remember this as a quiet and good period
for Firas and me.
Then the day I will never ever forget, 23.02.2002,
dawned. On this date my life changed.
We were celebrating Eid-al-Adha, the Festival of
Sacrifice, and a holy day for Moslems. The whole family was at home when Firas
told me he was going to visit his friends. I warned him that the security
situation was not particularly good, but he calmed me and said that it is a
holiday and nothing will happen, everything is quiet.
Firas went to his friends and since I was tired I
went to sleep at 8 o'clock in the evening. Next morning, a morning I wish had
never come, my younger brother woke me crying and shouting that people are
saying that Firas has been killed. I thought I was dreaming and went back to
sleep, but he woke me again and when I opened my eyes I saw that Firas' bed was
empty and he was not beside me. I got up quickly and when I saw my father I
queried him, but he could not utter a word except for my brother's name...Firas.
I looked around and saw many people, I ran outside like a madman...actually why
'like'? I was mad at that moment. Friends of mine held me. I knew Firas was in
the hospital so we hurried there and I reached the room he was in.
I don't know how to describe it. In front of me I
saw Firas after the bullets changed his good looks and could not believe my
eyes; Firas the angel, Firas the live, the friend Firas and the brother Firas
now with more than 27 bullets, in every part of his body. Instead of eyes there
were two holes in which lay bullets. This picture will be etched in my memory
for my entire life. I fainted and when I woke I wished that everything was a bad
dream, but I knew that it was my reality now, a bitter reality without
I knew that all my happiness, ambitions and dreams
and even my life had ended. My entire life ended with his death and for me
nothing was left except suffering. Half of my body was left with Firas and will
never return.
What did Firas do? What was he guilty
We knew from military sources that he was killed
13 meters from a Zahal (Israeli Army) checkpoint, that he had no weapon, his
only fault was that he was a Palestinian. Firas died and with him all his
dreams. He was in his last year of Academic studies, he had hoped for
self-fulfillment but he died and will not return.
As for me, I sat quietly pondering. I left my job,
left my friends, and having left everything I sat alone, thinking things over on
my own as to what to do. How could I calm the storm raging in me? I wanted to
kill all the Israelis around me to avenge my brotherÅfs death. I planned many
things but after some time I reached an intersection of two paths; the path of
revenge - a very easy way, but on whom would I take revenge? The Israeli nation?
The Israeli nation did not kill my brother! And if I kill them, will that bring
my brother back? Will it return my smile that I lost forever? Of course not. The
Israeli soldier killed my brother. The entire Israeli nation did not. In short,
the occupation is the reason for the suffering of both nations and the correct
path is to do something for Firas and for my nation, an act that will lead my
nation along a more secure path. I thought a lot about what to do. I knew that
my nation needs to live without being occupied and I know that the way to peace
is very difficult, but I must go along that path. Should I go on my own? What
influence will I have?
After a period of time I heard about the Forum of
Israeli-Palestinian bereaved families. The name aroused my curiosity but at the
same time I did not believe in the Israeli nation as a partner for peace. Over
time I understood that there are many Israelis who are working for Peace and I
joined the Forum. I work today directing myself to the path of Peace, security
and an independent Palestinian State. I am working to make my voice heard by all
nations and especially the Jewish nation saying that all we want is to live. We
are two nations whom God intended to live on this land. We are obliged to live
together. I pray to God to give me the energy to continue. If I wished to speak
about the distress of my people I could fill millions of pages but truthfully in
order to know the Palestinian nation it is enough to know that all of us, all
the people in the entire world are human beings.
Mohammad Elpaw
Ah! 21st century cincentration camps... We've in Pakistan too :(
Thanx so much, Mr. Umer Toor, for coming by...
Thank you for your efforts. May Allah reward u many times...
M Umer Toor
So glad you come by to such posts as this.
Let me know of a particular post of your's you'd like me to read & note as well.
your career advice would be much appreicated too?
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