Program continues Sunday for this interview via radio. Archives also available for listening online and podcast http://being.publicradio.org/ or Click here Looks like some of this coverage is from earlier show in 2010 and some of this looks new.
Desmond Tutu, South African archbishop emeritus and Nobel laureate, spends intimate time and joyous conversation with Krista Tippett and the radio/podcast audiences.
Desmond Tutu says here that despite all the evil and suffering in the world, human beings are "remarkable things" who are "made for goodness." On Being with Krista Tippett explores how his understanding of God and humanity has unfolded through the history he's helped shaped.
Blogger's note: Just this AM Saturday, 25 February 2012 I was re-reading Bishop Tutu's remarks in the classic book on forgiveness (stories and dialogues) "The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness" help demonstrate his eloquence, compassion for fellow writers' various perspectives and his deep indomitable heart. Here are some excerpts from that brief page and a half by the Bishop:
"There is another side (to the cruelty)--the story of the victims, the survivors who werre made to suffer so grievously, yet despite this are ready to forgive. This magnanimity, this nobility of spirit, is quite breathtakingly unbelievable. I have often felt I should say, 'Let us take off our shoes," because at this moment we were standing on holy ground."
"It is clear that if we look only to retributive justice, then we could just as well close up shop. Forgiveness is not some nebulous thing...Without forgiveness, there is no future."
Addition: An international tour on behalf of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui began last week in South Africa. So I can't pass up a posting about a leader like Bishop Desmond Tutu without a short note by another woman known for her forgiving spirit. Despite the most heinous of mistreatment over the course of many years (including the kidnapping of her three children with the youngest still missing) -- Aafia has demonstrated breathtaking kindness toward her accusers. This grace was visible in court and has been clear to her family all along.
Then, even when sentenced to 86 years behind bars, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui forgave Judge Berman and urged that her supporters do no violence in her name.
Find one related item here
This spirit of forgiveness by one of the most tortured among us is seldom addressed in the news reports on her case.
Yet, despite unimaginable agony in the hands of her captors, Aafia has urged with firm courtesy: “You can’t build a case on hate. You should build it on facts.”--Dr. Aafia Siddiqui (Trial Testimony, January 28, 2010) which you can find along with Cageprisoners.com -- such as USA v. Aafia Siddiqui Trial Part 2 here
Also find facts on this case at International Justice Network by going to IJnetwork.org or here and see Aafia Siddiqui The Trial and Just the Facts
Just before the recent tour by Dr. Fowzia, Aafia's sister, a recent appeal urging Aafia to get a new trial or be freed took place in the same vicinity as the earlier trial. Find one report here and a one quick summary by Stephen Lendman (who's been writing on the case for some time) here
May each reader with an inclination toward prayer join as one so that "The God of Surprises" will work toward Aafia's liberation. May many other people around the globe be willing to disseminate helpful information about this case. May the Almighty also work in the hearts of those who hold Dr. Aafia in "chains" to release her soon that she may reunite with her children.
May Aafia be able to then heal and further her studies and papers on how children learn. Ironically, she showed in her advanced studies how children learn by imitation.
So in reference to Dr. Aafia, what have our children worldwide learned in this and similar cases? What will they learn in the future about human rights abuses around the world?
Are we holding our authorities accountable for what they are teaching by example -- especially to children? Would any of us want US treatment of Aafia learned by imitation and demonstrated on our own children or selves?
What kind of injustice has been taught in the false labeling of Aafia by so many media sources who copied one another's false information? Yet, there have not yet been any charges TO DATE that would convict her as a terrorist. What is implied simply in the use of the title -- "USA v. Aafia Siddiqui" ?
Remember Aafia is a tiny woman.
(find a recent item on Dr. Fowzia's events in South Africa near top of both oneheartforpeace.blogspot.com and nomorecrusades.blogspot.com)
1 comment:
strange how whenever i post on aafia the number listed at oneheartforpeace in the search engine go WAY DOWN from over 2,000 -- anyone have any understanding of this or suggestions?
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