Monday, January 19, 2009

GAZA Op Ed Today: Noam Chomsky and Robert Fisk

Photo found on Mazin's blog,
Sieve of Truth found here
‘A genuine massacre of ordinary, unarmed people has been taking place.’ (Reuters)

The latest entry for this blog today, published 1-17-09 is "A Massacre in Gaza, Check the FActs"

Isn't it Time for a War Crimes Tribunal?

By Robert Fisk:

It's a wrap, a doddle, an Israeli ceasefire just in time for Barack Obama to have a squeaky-clean inauguration with all the world looking at the streets of Washington rather than the rubble of Gaza.


Noam Chomsky On Gaza

Also go to Mazin's blog: The Sieve of Truth where you will find plenty of updates and sources for the history of the Occupied Territories...

Audio and Text

Fatah by now is more or less functioning as Israel's police force in the West Bank. But the West Bank is only part of the occupied Palestinian territories.

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