Friday, January 16, 2009

NATIONAL SUICIDE original piece by Connie L. Nash, Peace Activist

Please read this short piece first:

Whoever, wherever, whenever the victim feels/understands/encompasses all of history out of one isolated scenario -- or several -- albiet most horrific -- still ONLY this ONE isolated history -- there are the seeds and may be the foundation of mass national suicide...

If such instruction and enflaming of hatred toward another group reigns--then whenever/wherever will there ever be a place for the history of any other group's history? Whenever will there also be any justification or remedy besides revenge?

When will we teach our young that many others also have experienced--do now experience--tremendous powerlessness and victimization?

In the current scenario, it's almost laughably disproportunate were it not to terribly tragic and ominous for all...including the rest of the world -- that continued generations of Israelis -- including the very young -- are being motivated merely through their own limited lenses...

Such imbalance of power - applied with such inhumane vengeance - may someday be tipped the other way. Maybe soon?

Where is the teaching --where is the educated, balanced understanding of the universal RESISTER -- the universal OCCUPIED -- the universal OPPRESSED -- the universal REFUGEE -- the universal IMPOVERISHED --the universal PRISONER --the universal CAPTIVE -- the universal TORTURED -- the universal LAND-GRABBER --THE BIGGEST BULLY ON THE STREET who in current terms is a nation accountable to no one, not even human rights groups - nor any obligation to any document of agreed to rights for children on up, nor any charter at all which they would want for their own. Instead, there is only the backing, the signing on of a blood-drunk nation who may be in the last stages of their entitlement as the MOST POWERFUL ARMY and Nation in the world. This Nation has placidely promised all their arms should need be.

Does this nation see the invisible puppet strings pulling them to fully back up this case of extreme vengeance? Does this compliant sibling-nation recognize that this madness is in large part overkill -an acting out of gaping unhealed wounds -- as is often the case with bullies?

Surely, if any in history could understand this universal VICTIM, Israelis have all the resources to do so... Surely America, sometime victim of her own past oppression --occupier & destroyer, land-grabber herself of an innocent land-- all the chances to understand the results of victimizing others -- would have learned the burdensome debt ALWAYS and forever required of generations to come when these lessons in history are ignored?

But where are such students of social, psychological, ethical, spiritual & historical insights in both of these two arrogant nations today?

What about the desperately needed study and teaching of the futility and self-destruction of the UNIVERSAL REVENGE?

I see & hear such teachers in both nations, but are they not all too few -- and they are drowned out as usual by the more dramatic drums of war and the drug of so-called "righteous anger" -- they are not being heard loudly enough. Parents, teachers, legislators, reporters in Israel and the US are once more in history being terribly complicit with their silence & silencing of so many of their own sages in these two nations --these two which as much or more than any other nations on earth should know way better...

So now once more there is a missing conscience in the current case of the extreme destruction of the homeland of others -- first and relentlessly STILL occupied -- a people who should have heard apologies for this after all these years --

Now-- there is the hellish torturing, maiming and killing of so many babies, children, women in inconsolable grief -- the peace-loving elderly who've tried in vain to encourage always non-revenge --so many who are not guilty -- who are just there -- caught between hatreds -- their are the young valiant --who've been watching their younger siblings smashed, a head chopped off, chemicals rendering skin beyond repair, parents rendered helpless once again, more than ever before...

Those who teach such isolated self-centered history alone -- as justification of this hellish war on Gaza -- are they not responsible of war crimes beginning with this manipulation? Or are such teachers unable to find any thread of recognition of themselves as now the victimizer? Can't they see that they now are their own worst enemy?

What hatred is Israel now fueling -- as has the US in such wars of occupation--for the future destruction of their own young --

What extreme insanity is this?

If this isn't mass national suicide, what is?

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