QUICK personal blog put here on January 14th, 2009 -excuse the quickness of this writing as I have many responsibilities today. Do correct or question me if something doesn't read right to you. This is a new effort to do more such posting here -Connie
Dear Readers & ALL who want a peaceful world...
First of all, go to this site for gallery of photos taken of wounded & dead palestinian children...
Now, note that this is what was recorded by Sameh A. Habeeb, who is reporting from inside Gaza, a young Gazan journalist/photograper -- the same has been noted on some video sites as well - although I'm still looking for more verification & a video which would be best here...Israeli Leader: Afghdor Liberman says that Gaza has to be erased from the Map by Nuclear bombs like what Americans used in Heroshima and Nagazaki.
"Israeli Leader: Afghdor Liberman says that Gaza has to be erased from the Map by Nuclear bombs like what Americans used in Heroshima and Nagazaki." Now how is this for a war cry for WWIII? And the US Congress is silent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Already, I'm finding Sameh A. Habeeb's work to be unusually even-handed, miraculously calm in his present situation and mature in so many ways...especially or maybe because of his youth? I perceive him to be a hero peace-activist who is obviously putting the well being of the innocent ones around him above even his own health & safety. He is a professional journalist who is capturing the sights, sounds and facts of life under Israel's bombs better than most outside journalists apparently are able to do at this time...
Even if such words are only spoken, if so, then no longer for this & other reasons can Israel claim to be the victim alone -- nor justify their horrific war tactics on Gaza. Evidently much of this horror is due to Hamas' similar declaration to destroy Israel, made over time under extreme oppression, suppression and much worse, especially during the recent war on Gaza. But don't think for a moment that many if not most of the general population of Gaza and/or the Occupied Territories of Palestine agree with this (perhaps some due to fear & as a last resort & because of the ineffective & sometimes corrupt choices or need NOT to vote by many -- not unlike the choices many of the citizens of Israel & the US have had over time!)
And we must not forget how many innocent children are WATCHING all of this horror inflicted on their own! Nor can we forget how many adults are totally innocent of any crime & love peace as much or more so than do many peace-loving Israelis & Americans...yet the people of peace are often made captive to the majority or forced choices of others...including AIPAC and all of it's lobbying evils in the USA...
We who are called to peace must do all we can to address the dangers of BOTH Israel & Hamas saying such similar words of hate & destruction...and yet the bully today is certainly Israel (with FULL backing of US Congress!!! what a shame!) & the world is seeing this so clearly except for way too many leaders in Israel & US.
Yet there are way more in Israel & the US then most may realize who are trying to do a lot that doesn't make it in the news because they are not in New York or DC...over 700 Israeli Peace Activists were arrested according to Democracy Now! report Jan 12th...and there are Jewish women who're leading protests in Toronto & New York...
On January 12 of this new year, Professor Neve Gordon, who is a chair at Ben Gurion University said live in an interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! "...the Bible tells us that 'those who live by the sword will die by the sword'"
Let's heed his words, calling ALL PEACEMAKERS - We're ALL so sorely needed RIGHT NOW, perhaps as much or more than any other time in history...
Thanx for listening!
Please go to other items on my site today to see more from Sameh A. Habeeb & some I posted on the Rights of Children in War, etc. Rights to which I understand that Israel & the US are both party!!!
I put something like this on another blogsite, "Shame on you who perpetuate such evils among the officials) in Israel & US & all the leaders & teachers of fundamentalism misreadings of scriptures & prophecies for the horrific crimes of your votes, dictates, selling & using of arms! Shame on you for all your hateful intentions against so many helpless peoples including Children, who are the hardest hit now & for generations to come -- if any remain alive! Shame on all of you who are stirring up this HORNET'S NEXT which will leave the world forever injured outside of a heap of miracles! If you do believe in God, then why o why are you doling out the violence, the vengeance on your own? How do you know God would be pleased...? And how do you know what God's Vengeance really is?"
PS Please also go for more related to the above OP Ed & the PS:
Amy Goodman (Democracy Now!)New Column: Israeli Voices for Peace
The transcript & more from Amy's interview with Professor Neve Gordon (perhaps some of the video was excerpted from the transcript?):
VIDEO & more on the crisis:
An American who's lived in Israel for years on Peace
An important blog comment Terrorists are not born...
And of course keep looking for more here on GAZA especially INSIDE GAZA here on my blog or directly on Gazan journalist, Sameh A. Habeeb's daily site here to see & read his courageous work...you will find the links on many posted here on oneheartforpeace blog
Mob: 00972599306096
Landline: 0097282802825
E-mail: Sam_hab@hotmail.com
Here's a kid who doesn't look much different than kids all over the world including children of the USA...what is he recording from this hell, this use of USA-made weapons? How will he use these pictures, emotions & natural loyalties in his future?