She received an undergraduate degree from M.I.T.
Dr. Aafia Siddiqui earned two graduate degrees from Brandeis University
This preliminary piece expresses my own inner response as well. I am so glad to find this:
Faith, Courage, Determination in the saga of " USA vs. Aafia Siddiqui"
Thank You: El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan
PS I'd still like to know how to purchase the related CD?
Also KEY as we go into the NINTH day of the trial--lawyer Charles Swift reminded the judge, the prosecution and all in the courtroom, minus the jury that Dr. Siddiqui states clearly on record regarding her charge in Ghazni, Afghanistan: "If shells were found there, I don't know where they came from."
11006 Veirs Mill Rd, STE L-15, PMB 298
Silver Spring, MD. 20902
Dr. Aafia Siddiqui took the witness stand today
And what awe-inspiring, thought-provoking drama it was!
Aafia Siddiqui was her own "star witness," in one of the most powerful and inspiring displays of Faith, Courage and Determination that I've ever witnessed in my years of human rights advocacy. She symbolized a female David against a seemingly powerful Goliath ("USA vs. Aafia Siddiqui")!
For those of you who couldn't (or wouldn't even try) to make it into court today, you missed something truly spectacular! To the multitude of Muslim "leaders" in America - especially in New York City - who are too apathetic and/or fearful to even try to assist this openly oppressed, yet committed Muslimah (in any meaningful way)...all I can say is that I pity you for willfully blowing such a life and justice affirming opportunity!
Insha'Allah, within the next 24 to 48 hours I will file a more detailed blow-by-blow account on what took place in that federal courthouse earlier today. Until then, the struggle continues...
El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan
Special Note: Proceedings resume at 9 AM tomorrow morning in the court of Judge Berman - 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY....(the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge)
Earlier message:
12 SAFAR 1431 A.H.
(January 26, 2010)
Assalaamu Alaikum (Greetings of Peace),
To the leaders and concerned citizens of the Muslim community of Tri-State New York (Connecticut, New Jersey and New York) - and to our non-Muslim families and friends:
Have YOU visited the courtroom since the precedent-setting political trial known as "United States of America v. Aafia Siddiqui" began, at the New York federal courthouse located at 500 Pearl Street in lower Manhattan? If not, and you really wanted to, time is running out. The case may be going to the jury by the end of the week, and your presence could help make a difference. Is that too much to ask?
...It is recorded in Sahih Muslim: "Whoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, ALLAH will remove from him one of the griefs of the Day of Judgment. Whoever alleviates the lot of a needy person, ALLAH will alleviate his lot in this world and the next. Whoever shields a Muslim, ALLAH will shield him in this world and the next. ALLAH will aid a servant of His as long as that servant aids his brother [or sister]."
...Again I ask YOU, dear reader, have YOU visited the courtroom to show YOUR support for this oppressed Muslim woman? If not, there is no time like the present.
Insha'Allah, I will be back in the courtroom tomorrow and throughout the duration of the trial and deliberations. I pray that the number of supporters will be greater than they were on the first day. This is the time, O' Muslims, for us to challenge our fear and convey the type of message that Islam demands of us. If not now, when?
In the struggle for peace thru justice,
El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan
I close with a message from the family of Dr. Aaafia Siddiqui.
Dear Friends::
This week the trial of Aafia in New York is likely to come to an end. It has been now been revealed that the case against her is full of shocking inconsistencies and contradictions with no physical evidence. You can see update summaries on www.FreeAafia.org.
At this time, we ask you to please say a special prayer that God grant freedom for Aafia and that her missing children are recovered and they can all begin a process of normalization.
Thank you and God Bless.
1 comment:
Notable Quotes by Dr. Siddiqui in the Courtroom at her trial, Thursday Janauary 28th:
" Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan -- like the New York of Pakistan -- I like both equally well, actually. "
"My real interest was social sciences from the start...the paper aI wrote which won a nation-wide award was entitled: "How Intercultural Attitudes in America Help Shape the World."
"You can't build a case on hate -- you must build it on fact."
The people who mistreated her she called "Fake Americans" acting like Americans but only in disguise.
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