Tuesday, January 26, 2010

NO Charge of Terrorism: Dr. Aafia: Allegations & Facts

Allegations: Extraordinary Rendition… Torture… Kidnapping & Child Abuse

Fact: Dr. Aafia alleges that she has been held captive for over five years, that she and her children were abducted and separated, two of who are still missing.

Fact: The FBI’s Seeking Information Alert states; "although the FBI has no information indicating this individual is connected to specific terrorist activities, the FBI would like to locate and question this individual."

Fact: The official charges against Dr. Aafia are that she assaulted U.S. soldiers in Ghazni, Afghanistan, with one of the servicemen’s own rifles, while she was in custody to be interrogated by them.

Fact: No U.S. personnel were injured.

Fact: Dr. Aafia was shot and survived surgery in the infamous prison in Bagram, Afghanistan.

Fact: The affidavit filed in the U.S. district court is NOT from an eye witness, but from a third party account of the events in Ghazni.

Fact: No one who was physically present at the incident has filed any sworn statement as to what actually happened in Ghazni.

Fact: Dr. Aafia categorically denies ever handling a rifle or pointing one at anyone.

Fact: To this day, Dr. Aafia has not been charged with terrorism.

(The above is from the Official Family Site. If there are further changes or possibly helpful additions, I will try to add these. One Heart For Peace Blogger, Connie Nash)

Here's an earlier piece on "facts":



ReeBz said...

I dont know why doesnt US court simply release her when they are unable to prove any of her crime uptill now!
its more than enough. stop torturing plZ!

CN said...

Exactly! Thanx always for your support and concern!

What are you reading on Urdu news?