RENDITION is a Torture Flight
photo above credited to the following sites/articles:
Council of Europe Ireland Stop Torture Flights Effort via Dear Kitty blog
World News dot com article Poland Admits Role in CIA Rendition Programme (find this article and related below)
FOR FORUM INFO and other items related to North Carolian USA, please go to this URL HERE for plenty of information and there is a link to a short Video you may want to see called: WEAVING A NET OF ACCOUNTABILITY.
If for any reason you have trouble with link just remember NC Stop Torture Now dot org and also find NC Stop Torture Now easily in Search Engine.
I am also leaving this URL without embedding so you can help get out the word with copy/paste:
More related items to come soon.
IF you should want to be a part of the statewide, nationwide and international effort to end US Complicity with Renditions, Plz email me, Connie, at newlease7@yahoo.com and also contact NC Stop Torture Now.
Make sure your subject heading is very clear along with your contact information and reason for your interest as well as how you'd like to connect and help support this cause.
I am accepting very few anonymous Comments so unless you want to waste your time, plz make sure your comment is appropriate and you offer your name or group.
CIA rendition
Poland admits role in CIA rendition programme - Warsaw air control service confirms that at least six CIA flights landed at disused military air base in northern Poland in 2003

The control tower of the airport in Szymany, Poland. Poland has admitted a role in a CIA rendition programme. Photograph: AP
The Polish authorities have for the first time admitted their involvement in the CIA's secret programme for the rendition of high-level terrorist suspects from Iraq and Afghanistan, it emerged today.
After years of stonewalling, Warsaw's air control service confirmed that at least six CIA flights had landed at a disused military air base in northern Poland in 2003.
"It is time for the authorities to provide a full accounting of Poland's role in rendition," Adam Bodnar, of the Warsaw-based Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, said.
"These flight records reinforce the troubling findings of official European inquiries and global human rights groups, showing complicity with CIA abuse across Europe."
For years, European and human rights investigators have believed Poland played a key role in the secret renditions programme, which became a human rights scandal for the George Bush administration.
An extensive Council of Europe investigation in 2007 found that "especially sensitive high-value detainees" were held at a prison facility, rented by the CIA from the Poles, near the Szymany airfield in northern Poland.
The Polish authorities told the investigators they were not aware of flight data that would reveal the traffic in kidnapping.
But following a freedom of information campaign from the Helsinki Foundation and the New York-based Open Society Justice Initiative, the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency released flight data showing that at least two of the aircraft used in the CIA operations flew from Kabul and Rabat, in Morocco, to Szymany at least six times between February and September 2003.
"We know that CIA detainees were held in those two locations in the period in question," the campaigners said.
The two aircraft, a Boeing 737 and a Gulfstream V, were US-registered and previously known to be part of the CIA operation.
"In the past, the Polish government denied its involvement in rendition. It failed to provide any of these flight records to previous investigations," the campaigners said.
Analysis of the flight logs also indicated an attempted joint coverup by the CIA and the Polish authorities, with the aviation authorities being told that several of the flights were destined not for Szymany but for Warsaw.
"The CIA filed 'dummy' and false flight plans, or no flight plans at all, for the incoming and outgoing flights of N379P," the campaigners added.
"[The Polish aviation authority] collaborated with the CIA by accepting the task of navigating these disguised flights into and out of Szymany airport without adhering to the requirements of international flight planning regulations.
"The most remarkable aspect is that the Polish government, which maintained for more than four years that no such records existed – or that, if they did, they were untraceable – has now provided an apparently comprehensive list of these landings, compiled and presented in an orderly and coherent fashion."
END article
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CIA rendition · CIA · Poland · United States
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The photo posted on top of this post is also available via google cache and much earlier posted on this blogsite...
Of course, renditions have been practiced all over the world by US officials as corroborated by:
Amnesty International
Amnesty I/USA
International Committee of the Red Cross/Red Crescent
Human Rights Watch
Human Rights First
US Constitutional Groups like:
Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Law (Rights Related) Groups like:
Center for Constitutional Rights
International Justice Network
American Civil Liberties Union
and countless asian, europe and international watch and rights groups, foundations, listservs, articles and news services including:
The Guardian
The New York Times (see a number of articles by Bob Herbert about Maher Arar)
Democracy Now!
Common Dreams
Truth Out
Truth Dig
Andy Worthington
Cage Prisoners
And many more
TIME PAST DUE for all concerned worldwide to be involved in ending this inhumane and lawless practice NOW...
This needs to be an effort which includes the USA yet has the support and efforts of groups and individuals WORLD-WIDE....
You have seen how little effort other than lip service has been made in the US even by the new administration to end this practice.
NO MORE Anonymous comments will be accepted. Too bad a very few had to ruin that possibility
This item just came in:
No to torture, yes to truth
Mon, March 8, 2010 3:23:50 PM From: "Beth Dahlman, Faithful America"
Last week we shared with you the shocking video of former Bush advisor Marc Thiessen using his religious faith to justify torture -- on the faith-based TV network EWTN!
The faith community is demanding a stop to torture spin. We've already sent thousands of emails to EWTN as part of our new "Don't Spin Our Faith" campaign to hold religious media accountable on torture -- but we think we can do even better.
...urge them to stop spinning their faith to promote torture.
In case you missed it, I've forwarded our original message below.
Catholic cable network EWTN gave a former Bush staffer a platform to defend torture.
Religious media have a moral and journalistic obligation to tell the truth.
Tell EWTN: don't spin your faith, tell the truth about torture.
...video of former Bush administration staffer Marc Thiessen on the Catholic cable network EWTN defending torture …and EWTN refused to correct the pro-torture spin.
Thiessen repeatedly tried to cover up the truth by calling waterboarding and other inhumane tactics "enhanced interrogation" instead of what they are -- torture. And EWTN even let him get away with claiming torture is consistent with religious values.
Email EWTN: torture spin shouldn't mix with faith.
While this kind of spin goes on every day in mainstream sources like the New York Times and even NPR, religious media is different.
Millions of people of faith rely on religious media to stay informed about the pressing issues of the day in a manner consistent with their values. That's why religious media have a moral and journalistic obligation to tell the truth about torture. We can't let them off the hook.
EWTN: Don't Spin your faith, tell the truth about torture.
Now is a critical moment. Torture proponents like Thiessen and former Vice President Cheney have launched a media blitz to win the hearts of the American people to their side - dangerously dragging down our moral standing in the world. Religious media need to counter this spin with the truth.
That's why Faithful America is launching the "Don't Spin Our Faith" campaign to monitor religious media of all traditions and hold them accountable for pro-torture spin.
Email EWTN: we need the truth about torture from religious media.
With polls showing that people of faith support torture in greater numbers than those of no faith, there is no better place to counteract pro-torture spin than religious media. [2]
This time our focus is on EWTN, but you can bet the next time a religious media outlet lets torture slide we'll hold them accountable, too.
Torture is ineffective and just plain wrong. Let's make sure that's something we never forget.
...Beth, Katie, Dan, Kristin and Jennifer
The Faithful America Team
[1] http://coalitionforclarity.blogspot.com/2010/02/scandal-ewtn-and-pro-torture-interview.html
[2] http://pewresearch.org/pubs/1210/torture-opinion-religious-differences
All content © 2008 Faithful America
1101 Vermont Avenue, 9th Floor Washington, DC 20005
3/8, Gabriel Winant, Salon, Liz Cheney wants to save torture's good name (and her dad's)
3/8, Andy Thayer, Huffington Post, Court Allows Torture Suit Against Rumsfeld
3/8, Spencer Ackerman, Washington Independent, For Closing GTMO, Graham Says White House Needs … What It Already Has
3/8, Yana Kunichoff, TruthOut, Arizona to Criminalize Presence of Undocumented Immigrants
3/8, Tom Burghardt, Centre for Research on Globalization (Canada), Obama's National Cybersecurity Initiative: Privacy and Civil liberties are Damned
3/8, BBC News, Lawyers for Guantanamo six contest secret evidence plan
3/7, Agence France-Presse, Ad campaign urges Obama to hold firm on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial
3/6, Mike Robinson, Common Dreams, Ill. Judge Won't Toss Torture Suit Naming Rumsfeld
3/6, Agence France-Presse, US weighs Guantanamo inmate's return to Canada: report
Find all the above and more at
Posting to Headlines Wire of Scoop
Column: Joan Brunwasser
Date: Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Time: 2:21 pm NZT
Jason Leopold on Cheney, Torture, & Obama
This article was cross-posted from OpEdNews: http://www.opednews.com/articles/4/Jason-Leopold-on-Cheney-T-by-Joan-Brunwasser-100308-927.html
The Scoop website is at http://www.scoop.co.nz/
This Story is at http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1003/S00105.htm
Notice how the torture debate is finally heating up in such a way that Rumsfeld at least finally faces real charges with possible/likely? real trial?
Maybe this is the beginning to much more investigation and many more indictments...about time!
Notice also that the New York School of Law has just issued proof with data that Poland officials admit to real use of their nation's airport by CIA Rendition flights!
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