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Drones are piloted from thousands of miles away in the United States.
EMERGENCY ALERT! Article is below my INTRO...feel free to skip intro and come back...
After hearing extremely heartwrenching reports from the ground on the Lahore tragedy a few hours ago, I want to do all I can as an American to help end such tragedies and NOT by supporting more violence from our US military in any way, shape or form.
I sure hope also Pakistani citizens will put pressure to bear that your own military will REJECT use of all and any manner of drones and cooperation in war with US as well...
DEATH BY DRONES IS HELL...and leads to other manners of hell on earth!
ALL who are concerned about our fellow human family in Pakistan (at the least all Americans who care and Pakistanis as well) should be disseminating the most useful, pertinent news NOW, writing Op Eds and letters to the editor, making calls to our legislators - speaking to friends and contacts...calling attention to drone complicity in so much death and trauma of old and young.
Although much if not all will be blamed on the extremists who of course have brutally also kept going much of this ongoing tragedy...still a LARGE portion of the responsibility for this hellish loss of life, limb and freedom to live in peace is multiple and US originating...
We in the USA and around the world MUST act now from each our own end and cooperatively to STOP further infiltration by the already dishonored contractors, the CIA, and of course as bolded here below, the DRONES.
Pakistan needs independence -- why not start by independence from the USA.
WAR CRIMES alliance is NOT humane cooperation. Maybe being in bed with war crimes is the opposite of being one with humanity?
Plz do all you can to get these articles with your own personal comments out! Send these with your own deepest concerns within the perimeter of peace, non-violence and goodwill for all...
Until we STOP the use of these monstrous Drones - these killer "demons in the sky" - and end the war crimes complicity (of all the military people and corporate people from TOP down as well as common citizens) who allow themselves to be so seduced by such an evil - what is the chance of peace on the ground?
Use of drones, along with their relatives, torture, are quickly becoming the greatest war crimes ever before used on our earth and with greater insidious potential than almost anything else imaginable. We must stop these raging demons in the sky NOW, before they lead to the demise of us all.
Just look in your news today on the tragedy in Lahore - read what the terrified children who were so affected are saying. See what their terrified parents are saying - and connect the dots! Imagine what other children, other parents, other places are saying about the killing of so many civilians and relatives from US DRONES? Can we ask these victims' family members and neighbors to become lovers of America? They humanly will not know where to turn and may more likely be forced to choose between two violent groups - or three or four. Those leaders they once despised have become in some cases like hornets when attacked. Sure doesn't take a rocket or any sort of scientist to recognize US Drones are provoking extremists rather than helping to end that problem.
The solution is NOT expanded militancy and violence! The solution is NOT following the lead of the USA military...we've already lost all our respect in the world. Stop following US military anymore anybody anywhere...
JUST say NO to drones, to US or any imperialism, to your leaders who are copycatting and doing as US CIA, contracters and military are telling them to do...Stop supporting Media which is bought off by US and US related corporations....
Plz find other solutions...
Remote Warriors
How Drone Pilots Wage War
By Marc Pitzke in New York
Drone pilots sit in air-conditioned rooms far away from the anti-terror wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. They guide their weapons systems with joysticks and monitors. The remote warriors work with a high degree of precision -- and at a fraction of the cost of a fighter jet.
"Two passengers, including target five, have entered the building," announces a disembodied voice. "Copy," the woman replies. "Sensor confirms."
She is sitting in front of a computer keyboard with five monitors, joysticks in both her hands. The man next to her has the same set of instruments in front of him. "I've got eight missiles and two bombs on two Predators," he says. "Weapons ready."
The main monitor shows an aerial image of a street, live and from a considerable height. Two people can be seen walking out of a building, getting into a truck, and driving off, followed by the computer's crosshairs. "Three, two, one," the man counts down, then presses a red button: "Impact."
The truck disappears in an explosion. "Excellent job," the man says.
Like A Video Game without the Sound
The entire mission lasts two minutes. It's an "enemy target kill," performed by the United States military against a faceless enemy and executed by a remote-controlled drone, known in technical terms as an "unmanned aerial vehicle" (UAV) or "remotely piloted aircraft" (RPA).
A demo video shows this particular mission as viewed from the ground station in the US, where the pilot -- the man -- and the sensor operator -- the woman -- sit on the other side of the world from their target. The whole thing looks like a computer game minus the sound effects.
Waging War with the Click of a Mouse
But, of course, it's far from a game. The increasing use of drones to fight al-Qaida and the Taliban is creating a virtual war, one that doesn't require combatants to get their hands dirty -- but their actions are just as lethal.
"This is much beyond an evolution," P.W. Singer, an expert on warfare, told SPIEGEL ONLINE. "It's a revolution."
'We're Only at the Beginning'
Linden Prause Blue is the vice chairman of General Atomics, the defense and technology contractor that manufactures the Predator and the Reaper, two leading drone types. He oversees the relevant department within his company. "I think we're only at the beginning," he told SPIEGEL ONLINE. "There are major changes the public will see in the coming decade."
The US has two drone programs operating out of two command centers. CIA drone pilots are located on the east coast, in the catacombs of CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, DC. They are 11,000 kilometers (6,800 miles) away from Kabul. The US military's drone pilots are even further west, at Creech Air Force Base in the deserts of Nevada, about an hour's drive northwest of the gamblers' paradise Las Vegas.
Both flight control centers look alike -- they're computer rooms that are sterile, insular and above all secure. Members of the Air Force's 42nd Attack Squadron, who operate drones in Afghanistan from the base in Nevada and mostly live in Las Vegas, call themselves "combat commuters". They perform their military duties for the day, then drive home.
Bizarre Lifestyle
"In the morning you carpool or you take a bus and drive into work, you operate for an eight-hour shift, and then you drive back home," Air Force Major Bryan Callahan, 37, explained to SPIEGEL ONLINE. Callahan flew drones for four years in Nevada and now serves as assistant branch chief at the Air Combat Command Headquarters in Langley, sharing responsibility for all US drones worldwide. He is well acquainted with the somewhat bizarre lifestyle of a drone pilot.
"I do emails in the morning, rush to the airplane, come out, go to the BX (editor's note: Base Exchange), get myself a hamburger, do some more email, do it again, drive home," he relates.
These long-distance warriors, who have been stationed in Nevada since 2006, always work in pairs. The pilot sits on the left side of the computer station, controlling the drones and firing the weapons. The sensor operator sits on the right and controls visual surveillance, with the ability to zoom in and make infrared and other types of radiation visible. The pilot and sensor operator each have five monitors in front of them, with live video feeds from the drone's camera as well as images and data from satellites.
The team is in constant radio contact with the Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) at the US Central Command headquarters in Qatar, through which ground troops request drone deployment, and with the American base in Kandahar, southern Afghanistan, where the UAVs take off and land. These missions follow the same rules of conduct as all battleground combat, with the goal of avoiding civilian casualties -- at least on paper.
Not a Video Game
Despite the distance, the drone pilots feel as if they're on the front line. "You get more attached than you would think from being in Nevada," Callahan says. "Killing someone with an RPA is not different than with an F-16. We're well aware that if you push that button somebody can go away. It's not a video game. You take it very seriously."
This new technology, Singer writes, is worryingly "seductive," because it creates the perception that war can be "costless."Nonetheless, it creates psychological wounds, former CIA lawyer Vicki Divoll warns in the New Yorker. "Mechanized killing is still killing."
Unlike the CIA's drones, the majority of the Air Force's drone missions simply provide surveillance, logistics support and data collection, according to the Pentagon. "The power behind it is more about the video downlink and the huge ability to bring information into the system," Major General Stephen Mueller, director of coordinating air resources for the Air Force in Kabul, told the New York Times. The two most common drone models, the Predator and Reaper, now supply more than 400 hours of video a day to troops in Afghanistan, which they can follow on their laptops.
A single drone system consists of four aircraft, a ground station, a satellite link and a maintenance crew at the launch site, who keep the drones ready for use around the clock. The system is nonetheless considerably less expensive than a fighter jet. A Predator system costs $20 million (€15 million) and a Reaper system $53 million (€39 million).
One sector that is certainly profiting from the drone boom is the defense industry. The US defense budget for 2010 allots $3.5 billion for UAVs alone and this money is split up between a small number of highly specialized companies. They include the Boeing subsidiary Insitu and General Atomics from San Diego, which is currently working on a brand new drone prototype.
Steven Sliwa, head of Insitu, recently told the Wall Street Journal that the industry is in an enviable position -- like "the aeronautical industry around World War II."
Many more articles just out today and recently out on Drones and Pakistan (including why German military loves drones, why it's no video game, why it's called war porn...etc. many Pakistan-Related articles, background features and opinions about this topic.)
Look for follow-up articles on this topic at:
nomorecrusades dot blogspot dot com
1 comment:
Find an eye-witness account to the terrible blasts in Lahore early Friday, March 12th as well as a sardonic expression of the mindlessness of extremist violence:
Teeth Maestro
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