Expect a few more UPDATES so keep coming back...
US Representatives Final Results: here
Interesting Interactive on the Health Care Reform Vote which looks rather rich vs poor in some ways, eh? here
Not over yet in terms of the "fight" for better or the fight again for the worst: here
After the STILL Sick Health Care Reform Bill finally passed (MINUS Public Option)and before more fine-tuning or debates...I will be sending a few items of things we can do in the US right away while the "fire's still hot" to increase the help to those most powerless...
1) UPDATE from Rep. Alan Grayson on Medicare:
In 1968, a ten-year-old boy had to go to the hospital four times a week for treatment. Without that treatment, he had trouble breathing, and he felt like he was suffocating. Because he was suffocating.
His health care was covered by his parents' health insurance. But then they lost their jobs. They were worried about how they would pay the rent. He was worried about whether he would live or die.
How can we let a 10-year-old think about such things? Whether you are Democratic or Republican, left-wing or right-wing, liberal or libertarian, you know in your heart that that's wrong. And it's what you know in your heart, your empathy, that makes you human.
I was that 10-year-old boy. And I haven't forgotten.
That's why I support universal, comprehensive and affordable health care for all American. For you. For me. And for sure, for my five young children, and yours, too. The supposed "sins" of joblessness, homelessness and poverty, those "sins" of the parents, should never descend on the children.
I'm fighting for a decent life for all, especially our children. That's why I voted yes on today's health care reform bill. It's an historic first step. Historic.
But we're not done. The framework for a comprehensive health care system is in place. Now we must finish the job.
Our Medicare You Can Buy Into Act now has over 80 cosponsors in the House and over 40,000 citizen cosponsors at WeWantMedicare.com. It's a simple bill, to let you and me buy into Medicare. You want it, you buy it, you got it.
www.wewantmedicare.com here
Let's do it,
Rep. Alan Grayson
EARLIER and still appropos information on this IMPORTANT PETITION: Congressman Alan Grayson is calling on Speaker Pelosi to allow for a vote on his bill to allow for Americans to buy into Medicare. Medicare is efficient, effective health care and every American should have the choice of buying into it! here Find plenty more on this petition, which is now up to 40,085 plus as of Sunday pm ET. What could hurt to sign in on this one even as THE VOTE to decide our US health care reform system or no is right now in process of happening?
Let's also continue to support Grayson along with Elaine Marshall at least on Health Care reform?
2) Plz answer this petition from ELAINE MARSHALL and encourage her run for SENATE: here
There may be more items at TheHill.com regarding those who voted which way and why?Fax: (202) 225-1765
(Perhaps even AFTER VOTE - whatever the vote is), we may want to keep talking with those who were thoughtful enough to be undecided or to not vote for reasons of integrity (when abortion was thought to be paid for by federal gov. may be the only possibly unselfish reason I personally have seen yet maybe I've missed something?)
We need to keep pushing anyone with ears to hear to seek MUCH BETTER Options down the road. Personally, although the issue is MUCH more complicated than both "sides" often show it to be. I am glad for the modification on abortion - and we need to find some way to respect both those who don't want to be careless with life and death issues. (such as those who ultimately believe in "consistent life" ethic of whom I'm one on the ideal level). AT same time we need to respect that PREVENTION is in dire need and that there are some occasions where it's NOT criminal nor unethical to save a mother's life nor for someone raped to choose to abort and others to choose not. More on these multiple factors on abortion at a different time.
The following is from earlier posting and I will leave this for now and exchange for more current items later.
How can there be One Heart for Peace without Health Fairness?
YES! Magazine - Health Care for All and why Canadians are healthier
Retrieved March 15, 2010, from YES! Magazine Web site: here Powerful ideas, practical actions — YES! Magazine -
Universal Health Care IS Possible in the U.S. (notice how so many difficult issues be presented with such positive energy and why older articles are still relevant!)
One of my favorite Journalists: Scott Galindez (of TruthOut) on why there are more votes for Public Health Care Option then will and how we might be able to turn the table with readersupportednews dot org here

Health Care 2010 and 1994 and the Political Lessons of History By Robert Reich, Robert Reichs Blog here By Robert Reich
Is DENNIS Holding Out? What happened on Air Force One?
I often go to Dennis Kucinich's website or other articles by him because more than perhaps any other congress person he has done his congressional homework with integrity and stood alone plenty of times without caving in (the marks of a great leader - future president?)...so we'll see what happens here...
Obama Brings Dennis Kucinich On Air Force One for Health Care Speech (Is Dennis the only progressive holdout?) here and see article at Huff Post: here
(My secret hope is that while riding in that Air Force One plane Dennis was able to speak strong words of deep effectiveness to Obama also on Torture, Renditions, War and the Rule of Law. Who else might?)
Finally, keep watching Common Dreams dot org, The Kucinich blog and see Steve Livingston on FACEBOOK and at The Global Report for his astute comments and anaylsis with reference:
All but the top was Published on Monday, March 15, 2010 by The Hill: Move on Student Loans Could Win Healthcare Votes, House Dems Say By Jeffrey Young
IMPORTANT NEW PETITION: Plz Sign and distribute quickly!!!
Congressman Alan Grayson is calling on Speaker Pelosi to allow for a vote on his bill to allow for Americans to buy into Medicare. Medicare is efficient, effective health care and every American should have the choice of buying into it!
I signed the petition.
If you agree, click here to join Rep. Grayson, and thousands of Americans, urging Speaker Pelosi to allow a vote.
The following are items which very astute friends have been sending...they will be a variety of items in upcoming comments...all in the hope that some of us will be speaking our minds and makind a difference if not now than over time...the sooner the better...
Single Payer Activists Rip Howard Dean, John Conyers « Single Payer Action
In the wake of the Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) flip-flop and flameout this morning, single payer activists were in no mood for lecturing from Howard Dean and John Conyers (D-Michigan).
A list of the myths and the facts behind our health insurance "reform" http://static1.firedoglake.com/1/files/2010/03/mythfactshcr-2.pdf
“How can we expect ever to see real reform if this bill passes? This bill is a disaster. And I... See More’m sad to see you are on the wrong side of it,” Zeese told Dean. “I hope you will rethink your position and come back out the other way.
There is no way with this bill passing that we are going to see good health care in the United States. We are going to see insurance industry domination of Congress, consumers, doctors and nurses.”
“Why should the working poor be forced to spend eight percent of their income to fund CEO salaries at an average of $11 million year? The working poor can’t even make ends meet. They can’t even put food on the table.
Do Unto Others...As....
For those who may not know the above more or less "christian tradition" saying sometimes called The Golden Rule:
"Do Unto Others as You Would Have Others Do Unto You" Attributed to Jesus
And also following a number of passages in the "Old Testament" such as in "The Ten Commandments" and in oher sacred scriptures...
The following is intact from our local (Asheville NC) democrat organizer Paul
Here's a rough schedule for today's Historic Health Insurance Reform Vote which will air LIVE! on C-SPAN and http://www.c-span.org
2 p.m.: The House will debate for one hour the rules of debate for the reconciliation bill and the Senate bill.
3 p.m.: The House will vote to end debate and vote on the rules of the debate.
3:15 p.m.: The House will debate the reconciliation package for two hours.
5:15 p.m.: The House will vote on the reconciliation package.
5:30 p.m.: The House will debate for 15 minutes on a Republican substitute and then vote on the substitute.
6 p.m.: The House will vote on the final reconciliation package.
6:15 p.m.: If the reconciliation bill passes, the House will immediately vote on the Senate bill, without debate.
Let's watch the vote together and bring your laptop to help enter data!
Today Sun Mar 21
3pm - ???
Buncombe Dems HQ
951 Old Fairview Rd
Asheville NC 28803
Directions: http://buncombedems.org/about/about-us/
Bring a snack to share!
"I'm not bound to win, but I'm bound to be true. I'm not bound to succeed, but I'm bound to live up to what light I have."
- President Abraham Lincoln as quoted by President Obama.
Read here for specific benefits that will be enacted shortly after we pass this bill:
Compare with items above on this post and let's HOLD the makers and voters to their promises! And more!
MORE FROM PAUL (WNC Asheville, NC Democrat Organizer)
Join organizers from WNC in rallying to send a message to Big Banks. Hosted by AFL-CIO
Tues Mar 23
12 noon
Pritchard Park
Downtown Asheville
The public is invited to the forum, "Bringing Clarity to HealthCare Reform", on Saturday, March 27, 2010 from 2-4:00 pm at New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road. This timely forum is sponsored by Elders United for a Just Society.
A distinguished panel of area health care advocates will be speaking.
Dr. Olson Huff, pediatrician and child advocate, will speak about our current healthcare situation from a practitioner's perspective. Dr. Huff currently chairs the Committee of Federal Government Affairs of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
John Graeter currently serves as the Project Director of WNC Healthy Kids, a regional initiative to prevent and reduce childhood obesity. Mr. Graeter will discuss the different types of private and government insurance available to selected groups of citizens.
Carl Rider, Interim CEO of Mission Hospital, will present Hospital Models that Work. Mr. Rider is a Senior Fellow with the Center for Global Health and Medical Diplomacy at the University of North Florida. He is a form Senior Administrator of Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida.
Leon Gouin and Pat Deck, members of Elders United, will present, "Medicare: What It Is and How it Works". They will examine the historical context relevant to the current debate and present information about Medicare Advantage to enlighten consumers.
There will also be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions of the panelists. Printed information about programs of interest to the public will be available.
VARIOUS Posted AS voting is about to happen...
The House Is Voting on the Health Care Reform Bill Right This Very ... - 33 minutes ago
agreed to vote for the bill: Politico, 12:37 pm: “BREAKING: House Democrats have picked up critical health reform 'yes' votes from a group of anti-abortion (folk) See Vanity Fair and google search for - 15215 related articles »
Stupak cuts deal, will support health care reform - Michigan Messenger - 1231 related articles »
Democrat bigwig: We have votes for health care reform; GOP chief ... - New York Daily News - 613 related articles »
Latest results for HEALTH REFORM
"yes" on Health Care Reform
San Francisco Chronicle - 1 minute ago
Now, Stupak and his gang of six will vote "yes" to support the Obama Health Care Reform Bill. While Politico's sources now report that Stupak's a yes, ...Health care vote today; All eyes on Capitol Hill
Merinews - 1 minute ago
The House is expected to start the health care vote on health care bills at ... pass health care reform legislation bill at Capitol Hill on Sunday March 21.
RT@Drsforamerica: Doctors are arriving from all over the country to support the #healthreform vote
PaulShunat - twitter.com -
1893 minutes ago Dealing continues as vote nears...Immigration rally...River recedes
7 minutes agoWASHINGTON (AP) — Outside the Capitol, cheers have mixed with jeers ahead of the House vote on health care. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi emerged from a ...Democrats grow confident ahead of health care vote - Yahoo! News Feb 25, 2010 ... LIVE - House debate on health reform bill .... Democrats control 59 of the Senate's 100 seats, one vote shy of the number needed to overcome ...
NO more comments from blogger here, Connie until much later...
Keep watching After Downing Street dot org for new items and comments...and of course Common Dreams dot org or is it com?
Here's what Alan Grayson just sent...next I'll post on comments what he said last time...
I REALLY like this Alan Grayson lots!
Dear Alan Dale (and family of 8 adult,
Dennis Kucinich. The son of a truck driver. His family had to move 21 times when he was growing up.
Dennis Kucinich. Elected to the Cleveland City Council 41 years ago, when he was only 23 years old. A candidate for Congress at the age of 25. Elected mayor of of one of the largest cities in America, at the age of 31.
Dennis Kucinich. He refused to sell a municipal utility to private interests. And the Mafia put out a hit on him.
Dennis Kucinich. Seven-term Congressman. Twice a Presidential candidate.
Dennis Kucinich. Legendary fighter for the common man. Articulate champion of justice, equality and peace.
I'm Alan Grayson. I'm a first-term Congressman. I will have to live to 100 to accumulate a record that even remotely resembles the accomplishments of Dennis Kucinich. But I'm honored that Dennis Kucinich wants to help me in my reelection campaign. And he wants you to help, too, by contributing at www.CongressmanWithGuts.com.
If you care about justice, equality and peace the way that Dennis Kucinich does, then please help. CongressmanWithGuts.com. Help now.
Alan Grayson
I signed his petition for our entire family for medicare and here's what he sent back...what a great guy! Hope he gets the job!
Dear Alan Dale (and family of 8 adult,
In 1968, a ten-year-old boy had to go to the hospital four times a week for treatment. Without that treatment, he had trouble breathing, and he felt like he was suffocating. Because he was suffocating.
His health care was covered by his parents' health insurance. But then they lost their jobs. They were worried about how they would pay the rent. He was worried about whether he would live or die.
How can we let a 10-year-old think about such things? Whether you are Democratic or Republican, left-wing or right-wing, liberal or libertarian, you know in your heart that that's wrong. And it's what you know in your heart, your empathy, that makes you human.
I was that 10-year-old boy. And I haven't forgotten.
That's why I support universal, comprehensive and affordable health care for all American. For you. For me. And for sure, for my five young children, and yours, too. The supposed "sins" of joblessness, homelessness and poverty, those "sins" of the parents, should never descend on the children.
I'm fighting for a decent life for all, especially our children. That's why I voted yes on today's health care reform bill. It's an historic first step. Historic.
But we're not done. The framework for a comprehensive health care system is in place. Now we must finish the job.
Our Medicare You Can Buy Into Act now has over 80 cosponsors in the House and over 40,000 citizen cosponsors at WeWantMedicare.com. It's a simple bill, to let you and me buy into Medicare. You want it, you buy it, you got it.
Let's do it,
Rep. Alan Grayson
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