ADC Needs You to Act Now!
In response to our last action alert thousands of you sent messages to the State Department and the President. Now, we need you to mobilize once again and get in touch with your Senators.
The Senate is now considering the Omnibus Appropriations bill which would determine appropriations until the end of the 2009 governmental fiscal year. Representatives will often take the opportunity to add amendments to this bill, and others which appropriate billions of dollars, to bring funding back to their state.
Senator Jon Kyl (R-Ariz), however, took this opportunity to attack Palestinians. Several amendments offered by Senator Kyl target Palestinians and have nothing to do with his home state of Arizona. In S. Amd. 629 Senator Kyl wants the US to deny resettlement of Palestinian refugees from Gaza. Further, in S. Amd. 631, Senator Kyl wants to place restrictions on reconstruction aid to Gaza which could delay reconstruction efforts significant or even entirely.
It is despicable that Senator Kyl would attack victims of one of the most destructive wars in recent history by denying reconstruction aid and denying refugees entry to the United States. Throughout its history the United States has been a safe haven for refugees from across the globe, let the Senator know that his actions are not only Anti-Palestinian there Anti-American too!
Act now to contact your representatives and let them know you do not support this disgraceful targeting of Palestinians.
Click Here to Send a Pre-Written Letter to Your Representatives
Rounded Rectangle: American -Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee 1732 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington DC 20007 | www.adc.org| 202-244-2990
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