Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dueling Speeches: Obama Vs? Cheney - Thursday

President Obama to deliver a “major” speech on antiterrorism policy Thursday - MSNBC reports that it will be “about an hour” after former Vice President Dick Cheney delivers an address on the same topic at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
Torture Vs. 21st Century! In This Corner ... Josh Marshall
I feel like we need one of those long-voweled boxing announcers for this. AEI's Danielle Pletka has a post up on AEI's blog playing up the 'dueling speeches' meme for the speeches President Obama and former Vice President Cheney will be giving tomorrow.

As we noted a few days ago, tomorrow morning at AEI pulling together the themes and angles he's advanced in his recent series of media appearances into a global argument in favor of state-sponsored torture and indefinite confinement of detainees.


Obama and Cheney Heat Up

From American Enterprise Institute Blog's Danelle Pletka:

So, the White House announced today that President Obama will deliver a “major” speech on antiterrorism policy tomorrow. The timing isn’t entirely clear, but MSNBC reports that it will be “about an hour” after former Vice President Dick Cheney delivers an address on the same topic here at the American Enterprise Institute.

The announcement of the former Veep’s address went out officially from AEI on May 12, though he had been asked to give a talk a couple of weeks before. (We asked him because this is one of the most important national security issues of the day, and AEI is committed to informing and prompting a public debate consisting of more than sound bites.) President Obama’s speech was announced today. What do we think? 1) The Obama White House runs the savviest information ops of any White House in modern history. This is all about rebutting an increasingly effective exponent of aggressive counterterrorism policies. 2) Why do it? The simple answer is that the public is listening to Cheney on the issues, and if the Democratic Congress’s decision this week to deny funding to close Gitmo is any indication, finger-in-the-wind politicians are listening, too.

There’s another message in the former vice president’s efforts to rally the nation behind a robust policy: Americans know we are at war. They don’t want Gitmo’s denizens in their backyards. They aren’t embarrassed by their country, by their soldiers in the field, or by their public servants striving to keep them safe. Mr. President, take note: It’s not just about the air time. Leadership matters. Especially in times of war.

1 comment:

CN said...

Hard to find the time for Cheney's speech or Obama's yet perhaps it's going to be in the morning at AIE with Obama's to follow about an hour later & possibly be broadcast at MSNBC? Speech AEI May 20 2009In April 2009,

Here's a supposed rundown about this "big" speech:

Almost eight years after the deadliest terrorist attack in American history, the Obama administration released four memos from the Bush administration's Office of Legal Counsel. These memos, which justified the use of harsh interrogation techniques against high-level al Qaeda detainees such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, have reignited a fierce debate about the United States' counterterrorism strategy.