Thursday, May 7, 2009

PAKISTAN: Suddenly a Refugee Crisis in Mardan and Elsewhere

Children at the Mardan refugee camp.

More than 22,000 refugees have asked for help in Mardan alone, and most of them in the past 10 days.

Find the New York Times version of this story HERE

The Author, Dexter Filkins, wrote the highly-praised book -The Forever War- Go for more details HERE

While this Filkins NY TIMES article would probably not be read as careless (not read with the oft implied underlying message - "America has done no wrong -America to the rescue) as many articles on Pakistan/Afghanistan are - especially when published in the mainstream West. Yet, along with what's hinted at, there is still much unamed in good journalism today for which the US must now become aware - if not- to her own peril. The US needs to accept at least partial responsibility for the grief and instability suffered by Pakistan and tread extremely carefully - with this and many other related situations.

US military solutions have often been worse than worthless.

Watch for more commentary, links and a circle of global perspectives on this site and in the COMMENTS section - leave your own...

Here's another report - "Thousands of civilians flee Pakistani war zone"
AP By RIAZ KHAN, Associated Press Writer Riaz Khan with others – at 1:02 PM EST here

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