AfterDowningStreet dot org or GO here
We're on Facebook here
(Also find David and AfterDowningStreet dot org) at Youtube and Twitter
David Swanson on Wikipedia: here
Public Opposes Wars, Will Our Representatives?
Here is how to phone them, what to ask them to commit to, and where to report what they say.
here VERY helpful vote chart on how Representatives Were-Are/Were Not -Are NOT voting and more. Plz CALL YOUR REP NOW! Get out the word!
There are two bills you can ask them to sign onto, but because bills must be passed by the Senate and signed by the President as well, a stronger commitment from your Representative in the House is a commitment to vote No on war funding bills. If the House blocks a war funding bill, neither the Senate nor the President can continue a war.
And for David Swanson's writings, events and Blog Roll: here
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Daybreak Tour Heads to PA, ME, MA, and CA
The Daybreak book tour is rolling along and has stopped in 20 of the scheduled 48 cities already. The Miami, Fla., stop saw a hall packed to capacity with a crowd standing in the back and unable to get in, and the evening filmed by C-Span's Book TV. Watch for it on your television or computer in the coming weeks.
Air America host Nicole Sandler introduced the event in Miami and hosted a discussion of it last night on her show.
Please buy the book at your real-world book stores, which is what encourages them to stock greater quantities and display them more prominently.
Here's the complete tour schedule.
And below are the next several stops. Join the tour, get a book and get it signed in Pennsylvania, Maine, Massachusetts, or California:
Nov. 3 Philadelphia PA
Nov. 4 Newtown and Kutztown, PA
Nov. 5 Bangor, ME
Nov. 6 Portland, ME
Nov. 7 M's Vineyard, MA
Nov. 19 Davis, CA
Nov. 20, Nevada City, CA
Nov. 21, Fresno and Fair Oaks, CA
Nov. 22, Bay Area, CA
Nov. 23, Los Angeles, CA
Nov. 24, Orange County, CA
Keep watching for Book Forums TV and otherwise sometimes open to attendence at key tour spots live and look for a number of these on You Tube as well
2 comments: 2-minute Chomsky Video recorded in 2002 - still applies today US/Britain telling world: "We do not defer to any authority"
Current News at Bill of Rights Defense Committee:
10/26, Glenn Greenwald, Salon, NYT condemns what it calls "Obama's cover-up"
10/26, Thomas R. Eddlem, New American, Lithuania Investigates CIA "Black Site" Torture Prison
10/26, Tom Burghardt, Dissident Voice, Mind Your Tweets: CIA and European Union Building Social Networking Surveillance System
10/26, William Fisher, Common Dreams, Obama Urged to Fully Comply with Anti-Torture Treaty
10/25, New York Times, The Cover-Up Continues
10/25, Peter McKay, Daily Mail (UK), As a poll shows Barack Obama's approval figures falling, is he a prisoner of the U.S. military?
10/24, Sarah Lyall, New York Times, Britons Weary of Surveillance in Minor Cases
10/23, Gleen Adams, Associated Press, Attorney general talks about war on terrorism
NYT: Bush’s Cover-Up of Abuse Turning into Obama’s Cover-Up slash also found at Raw Story...the
Comments are worrisome to say least and hopefully are exaggerated... "This is in my view the best comment: The solution to this Government in crisis is not a new brave Senator, it's not a new brave Party and now we finally realize it is not a new brave President. It is a new Government by a new brave citizenry.
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