See the most recent Award Report below: Edhi wins Unesco prize By Amin Ahmed
Saturday, 24 Oct, 2009 DAWN
"According to the Guinness World Records, Edhi Foundation has the largest private ambulance service network in the world."
"He has buried over two hundred thousand unclaimed bodies in an era where altruism and selflessness are almost extinct..."
Edhi Foundation: here
Branches in New York and elsewhere: here
International and National Awards at a Glance: here
Dr. Abdul Sattar Edhi: Pakistan's Angel of Humility & Tender Care (In URDU +) from 2008 VIDEO: here
Inspiring Bio and shocking recent happenings: here
The way this World Saint has been treated by US: here Such US systems MUST become humane or they are apparatus for disharmony in the world!
Note that he and his children in Cairo were prevented from helping Palestinians in Gaza as well.
Edhi wins Unesco prize
By Amin Ahmed
Saturday, 24 Oct, 2009 | 05:25 AM PST
ISLAMABAD, Oct 23: Pakistan’s renowned social worker Abdul Sattar Edhi and Franois Houtart of Belgium, who is known for promoting inter-faith dialogue, have been awarded the ‘2009 Unesco-Madanjeet Singh Prize’.
Their selection by an international jury has been announced by Unesco. They will receive the award on the International Day for Tolerance at the Unesco headquarters in Paris on Nov 16.
Dedicated to advancing the spirit of tolerance in arts, education, culture, science and communication, the prize is given every two years to individuals or institutions for contributions in promoting tolerance and non-violence.
The International Jury of the Unesco-Madanjeet Singh Prize comprised Ioanna Kucuradi of Turkey, Maurice Glele Ahanhanzo of Benin, Kamal Hossain of Bangladesh, Masateru Nakagawa of Japan and Mokhtar Taleb-Bendiab of Algeria.
The award was instituted in 1995 on the 125th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, with the support of writer and diplomat Madanjeet Singh, who is also Unesco’s Goodwill Ambassador.
The prize for Abdul Sattar Edhi is in recognition of his life-long efforts to ameliorate the conditions of the most disadvantaged groups in Pakistan and South Asia and to promote the ideals of human dignity, human rights, mutual respect and tolerance. He carries out humanitarian work through his Edhi Foundation which he set up in 1957.
A non-profit social welfare programme with over 300 centres across Pakistan, the foundation runs maternity homes, asylums, homes for the physically handicapped, blood banks and orphanages. Its branches in other countries, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Ethiopia, provide relief to refugees and other victims of strife and natural disasters.
Dear Connie,
Edhi is a giant in the type of work that he does and I don't even have the capacity or the words to describe him - I am sure others... can do that much better.
The UNESCO award, though positive, does by no means is sufficient to describe his contribution and lifelong commitment to philanthropy.
I would not hesitate a bit to call him one of the greatest philanthropists alive.
He has done far more work for the poor than all our federal/prov govts combined over the last 60 years.
Philanthropist is a word to simple to describe ABDUL SATTAR EDHI, he is a saint in his own right.
Watch for a fuller report coming here at http://theglobalreport.org/
Here is another comment: I agree with the lines of Ayaz. I forwarded the news bcz it inspired me. Edhi, his wife Bilqees & son Faisal, no doubt are doing an historical job. Lala Hassan
Watch soon for a strong affirmation/campaign write-up as to why Doctor Abdul Sattar Edhi should receive the Nobel Peace Prize...
Add your comments below: What inspired you most about his life and mission? What do/did you know about this saint-like hero which you want the readers here to know?
I understand there is a strong campaign to encourage the honoring of Doctor Edhi for the Nobel Peace Prize! Best candidate I can imagine.
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