Suggestions today, Tuesday, for Fahad Hamshi's birthday and Ongoing
((( see information concerning Fahad in the post just below about last night's vigil and also here - where you can also sign up for alerts and emails on an infrequent basis - if anywhere near lower Manhattan NYC plan now to attend his hearing coming up in April )))
LISTEN to this strikingly reasonable documentary about Fahad with Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights, here a former College Professor, a lawyer, Fahad' father, mother and others - The Free Fahad Documentary: here
Why not send caring emails TODAY and ONGOING from all around the world - letting Fahad Hamshi's Family and Friends are not alone in their concerns - to his worry-sick family with a birthday wish for Fahad within the email to help this day go better? I'm sure the receivers will welcome these emails and make sure they get to the family and friends. If might want to particularly address one or more of the family members particularly: Father: Anwar Hamshi Mother: Arifa Hamshi and note his brother as well as his close friends.
One of Fahad's many unreasonable restrictions is on mail so sounds like that's the way to go.
Plz also keep this email and remember to keep these coming in the future:
Be sure to put a very clear subject heading such as expression of empathy and a greeting on Fahad's Birthday and keep it free of controversial political discussions but simply filled with empathy.
Perhaps you'd be willing to sign the petition urging humane treatment for Fahad?
WRITE it in your own words...I just left my petition contribution as one possible example :
Certainly the most casual observer can see that the way Hashmi is treated should have no place in our democratic -prison-judicial systems which look like they're going down the drain rapidly.
Let's do all we can to get back our Constitution: including freedom of speech; right to a truly fair trial; and humane treatment if there's a need for detention. Injust and inhumane treatment, of course, can lead to no possible goodwill or positive result for our nation - not for Farad Hashmi , not for those who observe such a process and certainly not for the legacy we leave our children to live in and to follow.
Read and Sign the Petition to demand Rights for Fahad Hamshi along with well over 500known scholars like Noam Chomsky and David Cole
Send the petition out: Rights for Fahad Hamshi:
1 comment:
Dear Fahad,
I hope that despite the conditions, you had a birthday of special connection to your mission, your faith, your Allah, our family and to all of us who will continue to hold you in the light and to work for your release.
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