(Also note the Georgia Peace Event at 4:30 Wed. the 24th in the post just below!)
NOTE: Questions for the following should be submitted by email to confcall@cmep.org before or during the call. Note it's a midday conference call ET and available internationally - so be ready!
CMEP Network Conference Call
with Warren Clark
Highlights From Congressional Delegation
Wednesday February 24, 2010
Call begins: 2:30pm ET/1:30pm CT/12:30pm MT/11:30am PT
Upon his return from Israel, Palestine, and Jordan as part of a Congressional Delegation, Warren Clark, CMEP's executive director, will be the featured speaker for our next network conference call on Wednesday, February 24th at 2:30pm ET/1:30pm CT/12:30pm MT/11:30am PT. This call will be an opportunity for you to hear about the recently returned congressional delegation co-sponsored by CMEP and receive an update on political and social conditions in Palestine, Israel and Jordan as they affect peace efforts and prospects for a negotiated, sustainable resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
ABOUT CMEP NETWORK CONFERENCE CALLS: Churches for Middle East Peace offers occasional conference calls featuring prominent policy analysts and issue experts from the CMEP/church community and others who stand with CMEP in support of Middle East peace. Guest speakers offer their perspectives and provide timely, informational updates on key developments in Washington and the region.
HOW TO CALL IN: Dial (270) 696-2525 and then enter the access code 693031. You are responsible for domestic long distance charges associated with this call. The call will last approximately an hour, beginning promptly at 2:30pm ET/1:30pm CT/12:30pm MT/11:30am PT.
QUESTIONS: The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session open to all participants. Questions should be submitted by email to confcall@cmep.org before or during the call.
SPEAKER BIO: Ambassador Warren Clark became Executive Director of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) in January, 2008. Ambassador Clark was a career U.S. Foreign Service officer in the Department of State, serving in the Middle East, Europe, Canada, Africa, and at the United Nations. Mr. Clark holds a B.A. from Williams College and graduate degrees from Harvard, Georgetown, and John Hopkins Universities, and Virginia Theological Seminary. He has received awards from the US State Department, the US Navy, Budapest Technical University, and the Gabonese Republic.
Background Reading
Rep. William Delahunt Statement on CMEP-JStreet CODEL, 2/17/2010.
"Diaspora Affairs: JStreet 1 - Ayalon 0." The Jerusalem Post, 2/19/2010.
"Israel Moves to Sideline JStreet After Snub to U.S. Congressmen." Haaertz, 2/19/2010.
"Livni: This is Not the Time to Boycott Israel's Allies." Haaertz, 2/17/2010.
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Formed in 1984, Churches for Middle East Peace is a Washington-based program of the Alliance of Baptists, American Friends Service Committee, Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Armenian Orthodox Church, Catholic Conference of Major Superiors of Men's Institutes, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Christian Reformed Church, Church of the Brethren, Church World Service, Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Franciscan Friars OFM (English Speaking Conference, JPIC Council), Friends Committee on National Legislation, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Maryknoll Missioners, Mennonite Central Committee, Moravian Church in America, National Council of Churches, Presbyterian Church (USA), Reformed Church in America, Unitarian Universalist Association, United Church of Christ, and the United Methodist Church (GBCS & GBGM).
Contributions to CMEP are tax deductible and can be made by check or online by secure, on-line credit card service.
Churches for Middle East Peace
Email: info@cmep.org
Phone: 202-543-1222
Web: http://www.cmep.org
CLICK here
Churches for Middle East Peace | 110 Maryland Ave. NE | Suite 311 | Washington | DC | 20002
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