A Vigil for Hamshi organized by Thaw: a theatre group of professional actors and actresses in New York. This has become ((( RADIO FREE FAHAD ))) :: *VIGIL TONIGHT* 6-7 pm Monday, February 22, 2010 10:37 AM (vigils are specified Mondays. The one held on Martin Luther King's Birthday Weekend was the largest held by that time. Please let your friends and contacts know if you have the time. Pray for Fahad and his beloved family.
See directions below. This Monday will mark the 1,357rd day of Fahad Hashmi’s incarceration and the 857rd day since the implementation of SAMs (Special Administrative Measures) in his case, under which he has been held in pre-trial solitary confinement. Fahad's trial is set for late April and our work is now more important than ever.
Please join us on Monday night and help draw attention to this gross abuse of civil liberties and human rights. (more info on the case can be found below.) We’re honored to once again have American soprano Christine Moore joining us. Ms. Moore’s international opera roles, among others, have included Mimi in La Bohème with the Leipzig Opera, Micaëla in Carmen with the Sacramento Opera, and the title role in Madama Butterfly with the Central City Opera. The following day Fahad will turn 30 years old.
DIRECTIONS TO THE VIGIL SITE: The vigils take place outside the Metropolitan Correctional Center at 150 Park Row (at Pearl Street) in lower Manhattan. Take the 4/5/6 train to Brooklyn Bridge. Walk north on Centre Street to Pearl Street – which is located between the two major courthouses on Foley Square. Walk down Pearl Street until it dead-ends on Park Row.
If you haven’t already, please go to the website Educators for Civil Liberties here where you can send a letter to Attorney General Holder telling him to lift the SAMS (Special Administrative Measures) that have robbed Fahad of his Constitutional rights. You can also sign the Statement of Concern on that website too.
More MORE on this case GO here and to learn more about the weekly and bi-weekly vigils and videos led by THAW GO here
(1) WBAI’s Asia Pacific Forum program from February 2, 2010: “Guantanamo in NYC? The Fahad Hashmi Case” at here
(2) NPR’s Leonard Lopate Show from January 7, 2010, “Underreported: The Trial of Syed Fahad Hashmi” at:here
(3) Sam Alcoff’s January 7, 2010 Indypendent article, “Facing 70 Years in Prison for Clothing” and accompanying comic by Ethan Heitner at: here
(4) Paul Craig Roberts’ January 4, 2010 article, “First Circle: Liberty Has Been Lost” at: here
(5) Chris Hedges One Day We'll All Be Terrorists here
(6) Petra Bartosiewicz’s November 29, 2009 Los Angeles Times article, “Terrorism Trial in New York Carries Few Risks for Government” at here
Plz report if any URLS didn't work as I had to post rapidly today.
Remember Fahad especially on his birthday tomorrow....you can probably find the address on the site FreeFahad and send him a card at least mailed on his birthday...
Suggestions today, Tuesday, for Fahad's birthday:
Why not send a comforting email to his worry-sick parents with a birthday wish for Fahad enclosed? I'm sure the receivers will welcome these emails and make sure they get to the parents.
One of Fahad's many unreasonable restrictions is on mail so sounds like that's the way to go.
OOPS forgot to add the email:
For Parents of Fahad Hamshi:
It's simple: freefahad@gmail.com
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